Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Naked Facts about Petrol Prices in India

Petrol Prices per liter in our neighbors and other countries

Pakistan = 26Rs
Bangladesh = 22Rs
Cuba = 19Rs
Nepal  = 34Rs
Burma = 30Rs
Afghanistan = 36Rs
Qatar = 30Rs
China =23 Rs
USA=2$ a gallon =30Rs/liter approx
In all these countries, basic cost of petrol is 15-17 Rs and taxation comes to another 15 Rs or so i.e. price doubles because of tax.

Basic cost of petrol =16.50 Rs
Central tax = 11.80
Central Excise duty 9.75
State tax=8
Vat 4
Total 50.50, now made 53

India is the only country which tripples the cost of petrol because of tax
India collects the majority of central tax and Central excise from oil only
(Actually our cost of oil is even less because ONGC produces 1/3rd of our oil for 20Rs per barrel but sells at 70Rs a barrel to govt, which pockets the royalties.)
HPCL profit 574 Cr
IOC 5556 Cr
BPCL 5015 Cr

Centre collects corporate tax also from these companies.
Why does our Indian govt collect so much tax from a raw material?
Because the finance ministry is lazy and corrupt and finds it difficult to collect from end products – because then those babus will have to actually work.
So much easier to apply a strangle hold on oil companies and extract the money (like a ransom) even before it has been put to productive use in the economy.
Cost to economy because of excessive taxation of oil sector is estimated at 3% of GDP.
The tax collected is anyway wasted in corruption and nepotism
Can anyone buy one litre and pay Rs.2.96 ? Is there 5 paise one nayapaise coins in circulation. Even 10 paise coin is out of circulation. So naturally consumer had to pay Rs 3.00 instead of hiked Rs 2.96. Where does the balance 4 paise goes ? If you calculate the litres sold in a day throughout the country and multiply it with 4 paise you will get a figure to compete with 2G losses.

Finance Minister Pranab Mukerjee nor the Petroleum Minister Murle Deora have ever thought about this loot. The Corporations too are happy as if they are reducing 4 paise burden from the consumers shoulders.. .Dravida Peravai demand CAG audit into the losses incurred by Indian consumers. RTI activists must question these Corporations.

Spread the awareness!

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